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Job 3:5  
 5 Let darkness and the ashadow of death stain it; let a cloud dwell upon it; let the blackness of the day terrify it.

Footnotes   ?  

  4  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the cshadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

  19  Though thou hast sore broken us in the place of dragons, and covered us with the bshadow of death.

  14  He brought them out of darkness and the ashadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.

  10  And thus provide for my saints, that my gospel may be preached unto those who sit in darkness and in the region and bshadow of death.

Incoming Footnotes   ?  

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Citation - Bible Dictionary   ?  

Word Frequency   ?  

let 16Job 3:3-9
day 3Job 3:3-5
darkness 3Job 3:4-6
not 3Job 3:4-6
upon 3Job 3:4-6
Emphasis Scriptures
for 'dwell'
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Num. 13:28-29 (4/2)
Morm. 9:3-4 (4/2)
Lev. 23:42-43 (3/2)
Deut. 12:10-11 (3/2)
Neh. 11:1-2 (3/2)
Jer. 40:9-10 (3/2)
Jer. 50:39-40 (3/2)
Ezek. 28:25-26 (3/2)
D&C 101:99-100 (3/2)
Gen. 34:21-23 (3/3)
Gen. 47:4-6 (3/3)
Num. 35:32-34 (3/3)
Ps. 68:16-18 (3/3)
Isa. 33:14-16 (3/3)
Rev. 13:12-14 (3/3)
Gen. 13:6 (2/1)
Gen. 34:10 (2/1)
Num. 13:19 (2/1)
Deut. 2:29 (2/1)
Deut. 33:12 (2/1)
1 Sam. 27:5 (2/1)
Jer. 44:1 (2/1)
Jer. 48:28 (2/1)
Ezek. 17:23 (2/1)
Ezek. 37:25 (2/1)
D&C 130:9 (2/1)
Moses 6:57 (2/1)
Ex. 29:45-46 (2/2)
Lev. 25:18-19 (2/2)
Num. 35:2-3 (2/2)
Deut. 11:30-31 (2/2)
Judg. 17:10-11 (2/2)
1 Kgs. 8:12-13 (2/2)
2 Kgs. 6:1-2 (2/2)
Ps. 23:6-24:1 (2/2)
Ps. 69:35-36 (2/2)
Ps. 101:6-7 (2/2)
Jer. 42:13-14 (2/2)
Jer. 43:4-5 (2/2)
Jer. 44:13-14 (2/2)
Jer. 49:30-31 (2/2)
Ezek. 38:11-12 (2/2)
Micah 7:13-14 (2/2)
Zech. 2:10-11 (2/2)
Zech. 8:3-4 (2/2)
1 Cor. 7:12-13 (2/2)
Mosiah 3:5-6 (2/2)
Alma 17:22-23 (2/2)
D&C 63:38-39 (2/2)
D&C 133:35-36 (2/2)

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