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2 Nephi 2:22  
 22 And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.

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no 212 Ne. 2:5-23
all 212 Ne. 2:7-27
things 152 Ne. 2:11-24
men 102 Ne. 2:21-27
remained 42 Ne. 2:22-23
would 42 Ne. 2:22-23
state 42 Ne. 2:21-23
children 42 Ne. 2:20-23
must 32 Ne. 2:21-22
Emphasis Scriptures
for 'after'
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Neh. 3:16-31 (16/16)
1 Ne. 18:1-9 (9/9)
Gen. 1:21-26 (8/6)
Moses 2:21-26 (8/6)
Abr. 4:21-26 (8/6)
1 Ne. 10:10-17 (8/8)
Alma 9:19-22 (6/4)
Rom. 8:1-5 (6/5)
Gen. 10:31-32 (5/2)
2 Kgs. 17:33-34 (5/2)
Gen. 17:7-10 (5/4)
Lev. 11:19-22 (5/4)
Gen. 7:10-14 (5/5)
2 Sam. 20:10-14 (5/5)
1 Kgs. 11:2-6 (5/5)
Alma 31:19-23 (5/5)
Moses 6:17-21 (5/5)
1 Sam. 24:14 (4/1)
Lev. 20:5-6 (4/2)
Josh. 8:16-17 (4/2)
1 Ne. 13:34-35 (4/2)
Alma 30:1-2 (4/2)
Heb. 7:15-17 (4/3)
Alma 13:1-3 (4/3)
Alma 47:28-30 (4/3)
Ether 3:15-17 (4/3)
Ether 4:1-3 (4/3)
D&C 110:11-13 (4/3)
Num. 26:41-44 (4/4)
1 Ne. 13:26-29 (4/4)
+ 199 more scriptures

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